Monday, June 06, 2011

Sewing Notebook Meme

Lucky Sew and Sew posted her Ten Years of Sewing Notes and Records and I found it fascinating enough to see if we can start an internet meme. Inspired by her swatches, I've started stapling my swatches to my project notes, too. I hope more people post their notebooks so we can all improve our record-keeping practices.

I found notebooks starting in 1994, the year I bought a new Bernette 740. My grad student budget stretched only to a Bernette, not a Swiss-made Bernina. But the purchase qualified me for a series of Bernina owners' lessons. Because I had just missed the last series, Studio Bernina owner Susan Igou gave me a quick one-on-one lesson to get me started.

I have never experienced sewing lessons like Susan's. If you live in the front range and want to move your sewing skills up a notch, you couldn't do better than take a class with her. She explains the why and the how exactly the way a techie needs.

Anyway, she taught me the importance of keeping a good notebook. At first, I tried to keep my clothing construction and quilting life separate.

But switching notebooks proved cumbersome. (Did I really believe that taking up quilting would help me use up my sewing scraps and reduce my stash fabric collection?) Eventually, I used one notebook at a time.
I even started pasting in inspiration photos.
I admired turquoise and print mixing in 1997. I still do in 2011.
Everything old is new again. Look at the bias cowl blouse at the bottom right. Doesn't it look like the blouse in the top book?
The blouse is out of this book. I haven't made anything from this book yet, but Carolyn has made several items and they all look great on her. On her sidebar, she translates the title to Unique Clothes Any Way You Like by Natsuno Hiraiwa. I bought it at Books Sanseido in Torrance. They had several copies last time I was there.

Please join this meme and post pictures of your sewing notebooks and provide a link in the comments to her original post, Ten Years of Sewing Notes and Records.


  1. I still have my inspiration book but I was never disciplined enough with my sewing to keep notebooks although I think now I should have. I started notebooks just last year. Otherwise I have a box of odd bits and pieces and notes -- pure disaster. When I find it I might post it. I might just tear out my hair.

  2. Thanks for the mention!
    This is a great idea, to keep notebooks of all your projects. I've never done this, but often wish I had. Actually one of the reasons I started a blog... to have a record for me to look back on one day.


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