Methinks that
Peggy Orenstein should lighten up a bit about the pink princess thing. As the mother of a girl that has emerged on the other side of the princess phase, and who went through her own two-year phase of wearing only pink and purple (in HS!), I can say that it does no lasting harm.
In fact, pink is very becoming. We sleep on
pink sheets. Our bed faces a wardrobe covered in
pink curtains. Besides being very flattering to the complexion, pink accentuates the greenness of bad dad's eyes.
Linda Wertheimer, made a comment during the interviewer about how girls might emerge out of it as an astrophysicist sporting a pink scarf. That brought back a flood of memories from my time as a graduate student at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA).
The department used to have an office supply closet where we could take binders. By the time I got there, the gray and blue ones had been snapped up. I took a bunch of rose pink ones back to my office. I still have them in my office at work--a wall of pink with labels such as "Quantum Mechanics", "Statistical Mechanics" and "E&M" (no, not S&M!).
Lands' End had a huge sale on pink lambswool sweaters and I bought a cardigan that I kept in my office, draped over my chair.
One day, I found the JILA Unix sysadmin and numerical analysis consultant standing by my open office door. I looked up from my homework and asked her if she wanted to speak to me.
She replied, "No, I just love to look at all the pink in your office."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because it reminds me how far we've come, for you to be confident enough to wear pink here."
She had earned a mathematics degree from UC Berkeley the year I was born. It was not a friendly place for women then--it still wasn't when I was a mathematics major in that department 18 years later, as
I wrote about here. But a friend who attended grad school there a decade later said that things were much improved.
Every department and university is different. They also evolve over time, for better and worse. JILA is not Berkeley. And that woman did not have the opportunity to earn a PhD in physics as her husband did. Nor did she have his research career. But she had what she considered a good life, and sends pictures of her retirement life. (She knows the Dalai Lama personally!)
I just made a pink skirt last month for my spring wardrobe using Vogue 9789. It's 240 degrees or a 2/3 circle skirt. Yes, I got out a protractor to measure it.

I lifted the pattern pictures
from this seller. This pattern was printed in 1986, exactly 25 years ago. It qualifies as vintage!?!
I think I made this skirt 6 times: view A x3, view B x2, view C x1. Each time, I got a little bit better at selecting the right view/fullness for my fabric. I made the outer skirt using a 26" version of view C and a lightweight cotton stripe. I lined it with view B, cut at 24", using a hot pink washed rayon.

I also substituted a grosgrain waist finish for the waistband that came with the pattern. My pattern is size 8-12 and my waist has expanded over the last 25 years. I cut the skirt pieces with 1" seam allowances, trimmed the skirt length to fit the 2 yard remnants in my
stash fabric collection, pin basted the outer skirt to my dress dummy, and let it hang for a week. (I mainly sew on weekends anyway.)

I really like the way the yellow in this thrifted silk blouse intensifies the pink in the skirt and the cardigan.

I am not a real astrophysicist, even though I earned a PhD from the Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics (before it was renamed simply JILA). One of the JILA professors was so horrified to discover that I had not taken a single astronomy class in my entire undergraduate or graduate career, he made me promise to read an introductory astronomy textbook within a year of graduation. He said that they couldn't let a PhD with their imprimatur out in the wild without some rudimentary understanding of astronomy. Otherwise, I would reflect badly on them.
He's safe. I can keep up with cocktail party chatter about the Hubble constant now. ;-)