Scott over at the CIMSS* Satellite Blog posted a lovely video of the earth shadow moving across Asia.
Brian posted more (some in color!)
While you are visiting Scott, don't miss Rapid Scan Operations (RSO) imagery from 2 satellites. Geosynchronous (high orbit) GOES satellites can scan small areas of interest in ultra high resolution, and more often then their usual mode of operation. Have you ever seen a movie of a huge storm in stereoscope? It's as close to IMAX 3D as you can get with a computer monitor.
Watching the stereo video reminded me of a American Meteorological Society meeting where a fellow from NOAA NESDIS compared the surface temperatures measured by GOES East and GOES West for several regions. They matched fairly well, except in Colorado. In the morning, GOES West temperatures for CO are 3-4 degrees Celsius/Kelvin lower than those measured by GOES East. In the afternoon, that pattern reverses itself. Can you guess why?
* What? You didn't know that CIMSS stands for Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the U of Wisconsin, Madison?
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