Monday, February 27, 2006


This started out it's life as something else. But I lost interest in the project because I didn't like the feel of the multi-colored yarn. So I took the two halves below and seamed them into a poncho for Iris instead.

I was going to use the same black yarn for the crochet edging and neck ribbing, but Iris insisted that the furry yarn would be much nicer around the edge. She was quite right. Then, I worried that the wool/mohair black Lamb's Pride yarn would be too scratchy for her and went into my Local Yarn Shop (LYS) for a suitable pink acrylic yarn. (Iris insisted on a pink neckline.) I was skeptical, but the fuchsia Utopia works well.

Patricia, the owner of the Slipt Stitch in El Segundo, asked me to write up the poncho pattern for her shop. It should be there in a couple of weeks.

Why didn't I like the multi-colored yarn? I bought a bag containing 3 balls of yarn labeled recycled silk for $15 from a booth at the El Segundo Farmers' Market. The yarn was a relative bargain compared to the Mango Moon at the Slipt Stitch. However, the 'recycled silk' felt as scratchy as twine and wholly unlike the Mango Moon. I did a flame test and discovered there was no silk in it whatsoever. It was most likely low-quality rayon with a large amount of sizing. Caveat emptor.

No, that is not a video game in her hand. She is playing with a new GPS navigation system and memorizing the route between Disneyland and home. If a couple of 5 year olds could work this new GPS unit, then it just might be intuitive enough for me to use. Yes, they do beta test electronics with 5 year olds. No, I will not name the electronics company.

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