Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Last Farmer

The Palos Verdes Peninsula was once home to farms and a few farmhouses. Now, it is home to lawyers, investment bankers, the family with $1120 monthly electricity bills, golf courses and resorts (including one owned by Donald Trump). The LA Times profiles James Hatano, The Palos Verdes Peninsula's Last Farmer.


  1. Neat article. I have to catch up with you yet. I keep delaying as I have to follow all your links and think about what you say, which is a very good thing.

    In the meantime I passed a meme on to you.

  2. I saw this on the local news last night. I haave to hope he lives to be much more than 100...

    Lynda in LB

  3. I don't understand why Martin Martinez and his cousin can't take over the lease on the farmland when Hatano retires. After all, weren't they the ones that gave him the idea to plant cactus for nopalitos?

    "Helping the son are two workers with long-standing ties to Hatano. Martin Martinez's father and uncle worked for Hatano for 25 years, and Martinez and his cousin have taken their places. Hatano worries what will happen to them if he retires."


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